It was attended by RPHL Network Contact Persons from Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Viet Nam, Singapore, Nepal, Thailand as well as key development partners include representatives from DTRA, WHO SEARO, FAO, OIE, TUC, IDDS, USAID, the Thai GHSA Advisor, IQLS, CARPHA, NIAH (Thailand) and the NIH (Thailand).
The 1st Session allocated for the discussion on proposed key activities for 2021 include:
Moderated by Dr. Raymond Lin, Contact Person, Singapore, the 2nd Session was a technical Session on “Vaccine development and post-vaccine monitoring, as well as impact of new virus variants”, presented by Professor S.S Vasan, Senior Principle Research Consultant, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia. His short bio can be found at
The Session was attended by other interested participants such as lab experts from the National Public Health Lab in Malaysia and National Vaccine Institute, Thailand.
Presentations from the conference