จำนวนผู้เข้าชมเว็บไซต์ : 95

Biosafety cabinet use and maintenance Training

Biosafety cabinet use and maintenance Training 6-8 September 2023

Department of Medical Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand

Partners involved in the mission: IQLS, US CDC, DMSC, RPHLN

The first regional training workshop of the ‘Biosafety cabinet use and maintenance’ series was hosted at the Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand between 6-8 September 2023.

The workshop aimed at equipping participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to use and maintain biosafety cabinets

The learning objectives comprised of:

  1. Describing the different types of biosafety cabinets and their components
  2. Understanding the standard operating procedures for cabinet maintenance
  3. Developing skills for regular cleaning and decontamination of cabinet
  4. Identifying and troubleshooting common issues related to biosafety cabinets.
  5. Reading and interpreting BSC certification reports
  • A total of 13 participants from 6 countries attended the training. 3 each from Thailand and Indonesia, 2 each from Myanmar, Malaysia and Timor Liste and 1 from Cambodia.
  • The training employed a mix of didactic and practical work sessions. There were practical demonstrations for checking the cabinet airflow (inflow, downflow, smoke test) and to check the integrity of HEPA filter. Simulations were performed for cabinet decontamination using formalin and Hydrogen peroxide. A demo session was performed for spill manangement.
  • A significant increase in knowledge gain was demonstrated by a 50% increase in the participants’ post test scores

The feedback collected from the participants was extremely encouraging. They found the workshop to be extremely relevant to their day-to-day work  imparting them the skills to perform better in their daily work routine using and maintaining BSC.  Average satisfaction rating was 4.6/5