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Working without NLSP is driving without direction – Madam President, Dr Marita Monteiro, WHO meeting and Lab visits

Date: 18-23 September


          In collaboration with FIND and WHO SEARO, the RPHL Network has turned its focus on working with Timor-Leste in initiating the development of a comprehensive National Laboratory Strategic Plan (NLSP), 2024-2030.

Seeing as laboratory capacity is crucial for country welfare, primary care, disease prevention, and surveillance, RPHL serves as the foundation for connecting public health laboratories across 14 countries. Technical assistance promoting peer-to-peer learning, RPHL Network Team has sent to Timor-Leste to navigate this ambitious journey utilizing the following approached. 

Core Leadership Team Creation: The plan envisions the inclusion of experienced figures deeply involved in the national healthcare system. With added support from international bodies, this team is slated to lead the NLSP’s direction.

SWOT Analysis: The strategy emphasizes an accurate assessment of the current healthcare system, employing a comprehensive strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis as the fundamental for the NLSP.

Formal Consultative Forum: A broad engagement of stakeholders, fostering partnership and collaboration, will be vital in drafting an inclusive NLSP.

NLSP Drafting and Implementation: Specialized task groups will translate the vision into a tangible roadmap. The subsequent steps involve securing funding channels and planning out implementable annual plans.

The meeting successfully completed its targeted objectives, including: 

  • A situational analysis that maps out the strengths, challenges, and potential of Timor-Leste’s laboratory programs.
  • The establishment of a dedicated leadership team, piloting the NLSP’s conception and execution.
  • A well-defined vision, objectives, and scope for the country’s NLSP.
  • Enhanced regional cooperation via peer support and knowledge sharing.

Showcasing the vast contributions and value of the RPHL Network on both the regional and global stages.

With Timor-Leste at the cusp of healthcare transformation, the NLSP stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment of both Timor-Leste and the RPHL Network towards improving public health, setting the stage for a brighter and safer future through collaboration. 

Technical assistance for NLSP development is one of the flagship programs for the RPHL Network. Participating countries for 2023 include Indonesia, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Malaysia.